Spotlight on Virus ProtectionVirus programs are a greater threat today than ever. Many computer users are lulled into a false sense of security about the virus danger for several reasons. Anti-virus software comes pre-installed on virtually every new computer sold. Many user's ISPs scans email for virus infections before delivery. These services are very nice. They stop many virus infections. That doesn't mean a user never needs to worry about a virus. Software update subscriptions expire!The anti-virus software pre-installed on your new computer often times is a "trial" version. This meaning that the update service for the virus definition files is for a limited time only. When this expires and the software is no longer updated, the computer becomes vulnerable from that moment on. Annual subscriptions range from $20 - $50. Having your infected computer cleaned by a professional can often cost twice that much. Not all virus programs are transmitted through email!There are many other ways that virus programs use to infect your computer. You don't ever have to be connected to the internet. Virus attacks began when the internet was only universities and government departments connected to each other at a fraction of the speed of today's "slow" dial-up modems. The internet of today has simply allowed them to spread at phenomenal speed. They can be caught from malicious websites, file sharing (such as Kazaa), and simply from security vulnerabilities left open in operating system software (Microsoft Windows). DisclaimerSome of the information and download links found here may not be geared for the inexperienced user. This is just a little disclaimer so you'll know. As always, make sure you have a good, recent backup and your original installation disks on hand to repair any mistakes you might make along the way. By all means, give it a try. That's how an inexperienced user becomes an experienced one! Remember also, if you want some help, give us a call. |
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